The Year I Wasn’t Expecting.

None of us were really expecting this kind of year to be honest . When I walked into 2020 I truly said to myself this is my year. Like everyone else as they counted down the new year I was filled with excitement as I would be living in the modern “roaring 20’s”

We just didn’t know how 20s it would actually get.

March rolled around and the next thing I knew my government computer was in my home and I was rolling out of bed 8:30 every day and instead of driving 20 minutes to work, I was walking downstairs and into my office. My shooting schedule for 2020 went from full to nothing. It hit me harder than I would have imagined.

Suddenly I could no longer shoot due to quarantine. “Okay, 2 weeks maybe a month I can handle that.” I thought to myself, and the next thing we all knew 9 months have passed. It’s been an interesting year to say the least. And I’ve learned alot while in quarantine. The biggest thing though, is that I can no longer work for someone else.

You see, since I graduated college I began working for someone else. Making someone else dreams come true. But over the years ive gotten comfortable. I can’t stay comfortable anymore.

I want out.

While i can’t just up and quit – I will need to work hard at the two things I love: photographing and creating art. While in quarantine I needed income that usually would have come from my photography business and I had the biggest itch to start doing graphic design and begin drawing again. So that is how Celestial Woods came to be.

Since July I’ve created a shop that has a fantastic customer base and have had 160 sales to date. I quickly realized how much I loved creating products and how much I love designing thing half my dreams were coming true. I started working with companies in creating products for them and getting paid for it too.

A lot of good has happened. But as I look back on my empty Instagram feed I just sit and look I know I need to fulfill the other half of my dreams. So that’s where this blog is coming in. I want to get back to my roots and fully have my dreams take off beginning in 2020 and being realized in 2021. It’s time to really hustle and I believe I can do it. I’ve already made it this far.

So, if you’re still here – join me on the ride. I can and I will.

And so it is.

Keep Trying, Never Give Up.
