Portable Magic | April + May Books I Loved.

So, I have like 400 books and I need to read them. Yes. You read that right. FOUR HUNDRED BOOKS. I spend too much money on books. So, I wanted to start a series that I update every month and let you know what I’m reading, what I have read and also have attempted to read. Yes. Attempted. There are some books that I couldn’t get through over the past two months. So, lets chat books eh? P.s. this isn’t for education or SERIOUS profound critique purposes I’m just an average lass who happens to read a bunch.

  1. The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot


Okay, I know what you’re thinking. What the hell – isn’t this a kids book? Yeah yeah it is. But, this has been a bucket list read for a while. I just wanted to see what inspired the movie I still love to this day. This book was fun and a very easy read as a 25 year old hearing the drabble of an annoyed 14 year old is definitely a bit tedious. I can’t tell you how many times I rolled my eyes over how cute so and so is. But once you get into the more “serious” bits like learning you’re the princess of a country things do get better. I’m happy I read this and honestly I would go back to it if I’m feeling nostalgic.

2. I Hate Myselfie by Shane Dawson.


Yeah I know, I’m 4 years late reading this book. I’ve always liked Shane Dawson even back in 2009 when he was doing crazy videos back in the day. But of course with his change in direction to conspiracy videos has really pulled me back in after all these years.  So, when I found this book at a Goodwill in Virginia I nabbed it for a buck!


This book had me rolling from the moment I picked it up. I read so many excerpts to my husband and it also made him laugh. You get to know Shane a little more in  weird way and honestly I can’t wait to get my hands on his other book. I know it’s BEEN out but hey better late than never eh?

3. Duma Key by Stephen King


I have so many things to say about this book; my husband begged me to read this book in the month of May and I have to say I am really happy he did. He said I would like it because ” It is about an artist” and while yes that is very very true it’s so much more than that. It’s dramatic, funny when it needs to be, and goddammit fucking heartbreaking. Yes. Cursing was needed. Edgar Freemantle a billionaire contractor is in an awful accident that nearly kills him and when things get worse he contemplates suicide. When he speaks to his therapist for what he believed to be the last time he is told to hold off his plans of suicide and to see if life is worth it and maybe explore a former passion: art.

And so we’re thrown into the world of Duma Key. You watch Edgar struggle through his thoughts after his accident, this man whom is so broken. He meets people who make his new life better, people you fall in love with, he confronts thoughts and his pain and he faces terrifying events including ones of the supernatural.  But Duma is more than the supernatural – it’s about a man who despite things being so dark he knows no matter what “I can do this.”

It’s one of the first books of King’s that we have both read and it’s really special to me. I definitely will be reading this again.

Those are three books I’ve absolutely loved in the past two months. My next venture is Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian. So far, I am 26 pages in and I am enjoying it! June reads will be up next month and depending on how this goes I’ll review books I wasn’t too thrilled with as well!

Stay Inspired + Keep On Dreaming.
